Sunday, October 18, 2015

I've always wanted to be a motivational speaker for people suffering with fibromyalgia. It's something I've been struggling with since I was a teen. There are times when fiber sufferers have "flare ups." It's probably different for everyone, but it can be really frustrating. For me, my body feels like I was hit by a bus. My bones hurt. My muscles spasm, and I feel achey everywhere, like I have the flu. There's also an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, which I hate. In my opinion, you have two choices when your body flares up. You can succumb to it or fight it. I fight it by getting out of bed and moving around.  I get a cup of coffee and crawl back in bed to read. That gets my mind off of it. Dwelling on the pain makes it worse. Embrace the day with a positive attitude. Your body will thank you. I want more than your hoo-ha to be happy!

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