Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm a Pittsford Wegman's kind of gal, but only early in the morning when it isn't crazy busy. I'm also a big fan of Trader Joe's. If I need a few things and it's the middle of the day, I go to Trader's. It's easier and faster and they always seem to have what I need. Today was the first time I felt uneasy shopping at Trader's. The patrons were cranky and pushy and I couldn't get out of there quick enough. It actually made me feel anxious. I hate playing bumper cars with grumpy people at a grocery store. When I went to the cash register, I said good morning and started conversation with the guy cashing me out. After a few minutes, he thanked me for smiling and being pleasant to him. I commented that the people shopping this morning were pretty cranky. He agreed with me. He had eleven minutes until his shift was up and he couldn't wait to get out there. He was thankful that I came through his line so his work day ended on a positive note. What's wrong with people? It's a beautiful, sunny day. Be nice to one another. Is it really that hard to smile?

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