M.E. is the author of The Happy Hoo-Ha Trilogy, which can be found on Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble online. She also wrote a sexy nonfiction series called A Promise of Passion. M.E. has been blogging for years about the trials and tribulations of being a busy Brazilian Wax Technician because her job is that funny!
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Less than two hours before Mark and M.E. closes for the New Year Celebration. We will reopen on Wednesday January 3rd for another year of rip roaring fun!
Friday, December 29, 2017
When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about how crazy it was at Mark and M.E. last Friday. My 8:45 a.m. appointment came in, sat down, and started reading the helpful wax hint guide. When I took her upstairs and she hopped on the table, she said, "I f'd up." I asked her why. She said, "I got really high before I came in and your guide says I shouldn't do that." And she shouldn't have. She sweat like crazy and was not a happy camper during her Brazilian. This is just a friendly reminder that if you're going to get high, please wait until after the service.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
The holidays are a time of celebrating, which often includes a lot more drinking. So if you plan on getting waxed before the New Year, please drink LOTS of water before your appointment. It will make the experience more comfortable and minimize your risk of irritation. Just another helpful hint from the gang at Mark and M.E.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Mark and M.E. reopens today at 10am so all of you can get your beautifying needs taken care of before the New Year! Remember, we offer full hair care, mani's and pedi's, facials, makeup, waxing, eyelash extensions and microblading!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Just a reminder that Mark and M.E. will be closed today, but we will be open the rest of the week to get everyone prepared for the New Year Celebration!
Monday, December 25, 2017
Mark and M.E. would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. May your year be full of love, laughter and, of course, a Happy, Happy Hoo-Ha.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
I had a girl ask me to remove her ugly sweater. She wasn't talking about a warm, knitted garment that you wear on your torso.
~Brazilian Humor Continues...
~Brazilian Humor Continues...
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Mark and M.E. will be open today from 9-3 and then will be closed from the 24th - 26th. We will reopen on Wednesday the 27th. You can contact our staff via email at marknmesalon@gmail.com or give them a call at 585-473-7360. It has been a lot of fun getting the beautiful people in our city ready to celebrate the season in style!
Friday, December 22, 2017
Attention ladies: If you put a bow on your Brazilian, I bet you will make Santa a very happy man and you will be rewarded in the best way ever! Happy holidays from the happy hoo-ha gang at Mark and M.E.!
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Jody asked a client what she thought of our fun 80's music yesterday. The girl said it went perfect with the 80's bushes we were working on. There is so much fun that revolves around getting a Brazilian at Mark and M.E. We hope you all muster the courage to try us out this holiday season and see what a good time can be had by all!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
A woman who normally gets waxed every four weeks with me went an extra three weeks this time. She was pretty hairy. Apparently her boyfriend also neglected his normal grooming. When they were fooling around, she told him she was concerned they'd start a bush fire. He corrected her and said "it's called a brush fire." No, I think she was more accurate.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Four more business days...four more sleeps....and Mark and M.E. are done until January 5th. Don't procrastinate. Hairless hoo-ha's....happy holidays....one in the same!
Monday, December 18, 2017
We like to listen to old school music at Mark and M.E. and it is not uncommon for our clients to hear Mark whistling or Jody and M.E. singing. Our salon is fun because we love what we do and we have a lot of fun doing it. So when the Dazz Band starts singing Whip It Baby, Whip It All Night, don't be surprised if you hear us singing Rip It Baby, Rip It All Night!
Sunday, December 17, 2017
When a client asks for a Christmas Cootchie Cleanup, I am more than willing to offer my assistance. There is nothing like a fresh Brazilian to properly celebrate any and all holidays!
Saturday, December 16, 2017
This is what my latest article looks like in this month's edition of Rochester Woman Online. You know I'm all about Passion!
Good morning friends! Today is the last Saturday Mark and Mary Elizabeth will be working in 2017.We had a few last minute cancellations yesterday and will be working a long day. If you need to see us, please send out an email (marknmesalon@gmail.com) or give us a call after 7:30am at 585-473-7360. Remember, you can't have a happy holiday with a hairy hoo-ha!
Friday, December 15, 2017
Love the ad for the Mark and M.E. new salon in this month's issue of Rochester Woman Online. Wax It All is going to shake things up on Monroe Ave!
There are only 6 business days before Christmas Eve and the day Mark and Mary Elizabeth stop working for the remainder of 2017. Please don't wait until the last minute to call, because we would hate for you to celebrate the holidays feeling improperly groomed. (that was a nice way of putting it, wasn't it?) 585-473-7360
Thursday, December 14, 2017
I am known for singing to the music that is playing in the background while I do a Brazilian. It is part of the fun and casual atmosphere at Mark and M.E. The other day I was waxing a woman when I noticed she had some hair on her buttocks. The song Jungle Boogie came on by Kool And The Gang as I was working on that area. Without a 2nd thought, I started singing Jungle Booty as I waxed her cheeks. We both started laughing hysterically because it was the perfect song to finish off her wax!
Went to Wax It All at 6:30 this morning to drop off some supplies and was so excited to find a sign on the door!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Give a gift that keeps on giving to your loved one this holiday season. It may be hard to wrap, but you could always put a bow on it. It may be slippery when wet, but that is half the fun. You might think it'll make you feel colder in our upstate New York climate, but not when that loved one can't keep his paws off of you. It'll make everyone hot and very, very happy.
Mark and M.E.
Home of the Ten Minute Brazilian
Mark and M.E.
Home of the Ten Minute Brazilian
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
If you want Santa to leave something special under your tree, don't wait until the last minute to call us. Mark and M.E. ~Home of the Ten Minute Brazilian~ is a busy place this time of year and you don't want your gifts to get tangled in the tinsel! 585-473-7360
Monday, December 11, 2017
We want you to feel sexy from head to toe so give the gift of #beauty this #holiday with a gift certificate from Mark and M.E. #marknme #waxitall #pedicures #facials #waxing #hair #lashes #microblading
Sunday, December 10, 2017
If it's on the building, then I guess it's really happening! #waxitall a #marknme salon in #pittsford
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Just a head's up...there are only 9 business days left to get ripped by M.E. before the holiday. After that, she and her family are playing hooky until 2018. You can message her at marknmesalon@gmail.com, call her at 585-473-7360 or give her a shout out on the marknme Facebook page. Thank you for another great year!
Friday, December 8, 2017
I really wanted to name the new salon The Happy Hoo-Ha Waxing Station. I wonder what #pittsford dad would have thought of that one? #waxitall #marknme
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Can you believe there is only 18 days until Christmas? If you want me to leave the shape of a Christmas Tree on your body when you come in for your holiday Brazilian, it would be my pleasure. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and someone will put something special under your tree.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
I posted something on my Mark and M.E. twitter page about the second location in Pittsford. I hash tagged the location so people will know where we are opening. A man commented that he was surprised to see Pittsford associated with Wax It All. I responded with a message that I was "keeping it real and sharing the love." Do you think the East Side can handle M.E.?
Monday, December 4, 2017
Mark and M.E. wants to make beauty affordable during this holiday season. This week only, take 25% off a manicure, pedicure or facial with any waxing service. Just mention this promotion to enjoy this discount!
Sunday, December 3, 2017
I LOVE waxing so much that I can't wait to share the sexy feeling that only a kick-ass Brazilian Bikini Wax can give you to more people in our wonderful city! #marknme #waxitall #pittsford #january
Saturday, December 2, 2017
I love when I hear stories about how client's feel after their first Brazilian with me. Today, a woman told me that her sister-in-law sent her a text after she left Mark and M.E. to tell her that she felt like a naked mole rat.
Friday, December 1, 2017
It's no surprise that I wrote The Happy Hoo-Ha Trilogy - a non-fiction trilogy about my crazy life as a Brazilian Wax Technician, because I can't explain how much I laugh in one day. It's the best profession in the world!
Thursday, November 30, 2017
FYI: Mark and Mary Elizabeth will not be working December 8th and 9th - their baby is graduating! They will also be off from December 23 until January 4th. Please schedule your appointments accordingly! And remember the famous Mark and M.E. motto: You can't have a happy holiday with a hairy hoo-ha.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
6 weeks from today Wax It All ~a mark and m.e. salon~ will be opening at 3300 monroe ave. we are so excited!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
As most of you know, I keep a blog every day that I share on my Facebook pages. I didn't have anything clever to say until something happened at work while I was giving a client a Brazilian. In case you were wondering, there was nothing cute about the smelly foot that rested against the side of my face.

Monday, November 27, 2017
The waxing staff at Mark and M.E. is ready to duke it out with all those hairy, no-shave November bears that are ready to come out of hibernation.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Just came across this Mark and M.E. ad from over a decade ago! We have been offering Brazilians for a long time. And yes, that is yours truly covered in mud. (that was totally Mark's idea)
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Every once in a while Mark and M.E. likes to offer some advice about waxing: If you want to minimize your redness or irritation and make your wax less painful, HYDRATE. Your skin is mostly composed of water and will respond better if it isn't in a dehydrated state. And if it hurts less, then the chances of me getting kicked are also less. It's a win-win.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Mark and M.E. cannot wait for No-Shave November to be over. We definitely have our work cut out for us!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
I need to set the record straight on the procedures of the Mark and M.E. Brazilian. You will be put in five positions during the service. The final position will require you to lie on your side and lift your leg and your cheek up. We ask everyone to assume this position. In the past, I didn't require you to lift your leg but I learned that it is easier to get all those pesky hairs with a little assistance. One of my former clients who has recently returned to the Rochester area thought I asked her to lift her leg because she had put on weight. It has nothing to do with your size. It has more to do with your vaginista getting old and needing a little help with your hoo-ha.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Loving the new ad in this month's Rochester Woman Online! Mark and M.E. is taking Brazilians to Pittsford!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
This is what my most recent article looks like in Rochester Woman Online. Every time I look at the cover of The Happy Hoo-Ha, I smile.
Monday, November 20, 2017
https://issuu.com/kellybreuer/docs/rwo_20nov2017/204 This month I wrote an article in Rochester Woman Online entitled The Happy Hoo-Ha Holiday. Let me know what you think!
I can't believe it has been 3 years since I did my first standup routine. Have you seen me ramble on about Brazilians at the comedy club? https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thehappyhoohalive
Sunday, November 19, 2017
The confessions continue...How did one client know she was over due for her Brazilian at Mark and M.E.? She told me her hair got tangled inside of her during sexy time and she was forced to end things early because it was so painful.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Today would be a perfect day to pretend to be a Ranger in the Brazilian Rainforest. See you at Mark and M.E.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
I know it's not time for me to retire quite yet when I get home after a week off and I'm up bright and early ready to start my day. There is something about doing Brazilians for a living that get me excited!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
No Shave November doesn't exist at the Mark and M.E. Salon 'Home of the 10 Minute Brazilian' and M.E. is back in town and ready to get down and dirty in the big, bad bushes that can handle my enthusiastic removal of their unwanted hair.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
When you do Brazilians for a living, you learn a lot of tricks about keeping that body part happy. There are certain instances when I recommend that women use coconut oil on their lady parts. It can be very soothing and very healing. One of my client's told me her husband started using it on his private area as well. He likes to refer to it as his cock and nut oil.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Last week I waxed a handful of women who hadn't been to Mark & M.E. since May. One of the ladies was reading a magazine when I called her into the room for her appointment. She burst out laughing when she saw me because this was the page she had just turned to. She showed me the pic and said she brought me a Fur Baby.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The atmosphere is very casual at Mark and M.E. Ladies come in the room, undress from the waist down and hop on the table for their Brazilian. As a lady was about to remove her undergarments, she looked at me and said sheepishly, "I'm glad you don't judge." Nope, I sure don't.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
When I look at Facebook and see certain clients, I can't help but remember something about my last visit with them. Like the woman who hopped off the table after her Brazilian and said, "This is the best day ever!"
Friday, November 10, 2017
When I went to the store to get coffee this morning, I saw a man who had an American Flag on his shirt. It reminded me of the client last week who hadn't had a Brazilian in three months, and after I was finished, she exclaimed, "Sweet Freedom, you liberated my vagina!"
Thursday, November 9, 2017
It's funny how nervous some women get and the things they worry about when they come in for a Brazilian. Like the woman who inserted a tampon before her appointment even though she didn't have her period because she was worried I'd get wax in the hole. Believe me, that's one place I stay away from.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
We pick a different artist to listen to at Mark and M.E. every day. Having Pandora has been a lot of fun. The other day I put on Aretha Franklin. After an hour or so, I heard Mark whistling (he does that a lot) and I said "Hasn't the music been great today?" He asked who the artist was. I told him Urethra Franklin. Yep, too many Brazilians...
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I love the analogies that women share when they come in for a Brazilian. Like the lady who told me she brought me Jumanji. I had to think twice about what she meant since I never saw the movie. Oh yea, jungle right?
Saturday, November 4, 2017
The woman who referred to me as a vaginista said she also calls me her vaginologist. I think that's another great name for a Brazilian wax lady. I could never be a gynecologist though; I prefer working outside the box.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Since I do Brazilians for a living, it's amusing to hear what clients refer to me as. One woman refers to me as her vaginista. Much more rewarding that the barista that gets you coffee at Starbucks, wouldn't you say?
Thursday, November 2, 2017
On Halloween Day, a client came in and said she had something scary for me. No, she did not have a costume on. The perils of doing Brazilians for a living.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Time to share some very exciting news! Mark and M.E. is opening an 2nd location on Monroe Ave. in Pittsford in January. Wax It All ~a mark & m.e. salon~ is opening on the 2nd floor of the Lauer"s building across from Pittsford Plaza. We will focus on waxing but also offer facials, lashes and microblading. Excited to be sharing our unique waxing style to the men and women on the East Side of town!
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Since it is Halloween, I was wondering if we'll see any scared kitties at the Mark and M.E. Salon today?
Monday, October 30, 2017
Have you checked out my latest article in Rochester Woman Online? It's the story of how I went from being an elementary teacher to a Brazilian Wax Technician.
People think I'm funny, but it's my waxing clients who keep the humor going on a daily basis. Like when a woman announced she brought me snatchsquatch!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Mark and M.E. loves waxing men too!
Check out the sexy ad in this month's issue of Rochester Woman Online.
When a client sends me a message that says "my gorilla needs taming," who am I to not find a way to squeeze her in? I'm happy to report that this Brazilian Wax Queen tamed her gorilla quite easily.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
A girl told me that the sensation of waxing her hair was like pulling out the roots of a tree trunk. She wasn't kidding.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Funniest string of sentences by a client yesterday during her first ever Brazilian Bikini Wax. "This is the worst pain in my life." A few minutes later..."That wasn't so bad." And once she got off the table. "So when can I come back?"
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Probably the funniest thing said to me yesterday was when a client told me to call an exterminator. Thank Goodness, the Mark and M.E. Salon has been exterminating a very specific type of animal for over two decades!
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Passion Takes Time (A Promise of Passion Book 4) is now available on Amazon in paperback and on kindle. Can't wait to hear what you think of the next book in A Promise of Passion series! Not only is M.E. the Queen of the Brazilian Wax, she is the author of an explicit romance series that is adding many naughty suggestions to her reader's imaginations.
We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Wednesday! It's a beautiful day to share some love. See your kitties at Mark and M.E. today!
Monday, October 23, 2017
Advice from Mark and M.E. It is not uncommon for skin to be red after a wax. The amount of redness depends on your skin and hair type as well as your level of hydration and wellness. Don't let the initial redness frighten you. It usually subsides within a few hours.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
As I was typing on my computer, I noticed that I still have bruises on my right arm from the client who wouldn't let go of me as I gave her a Brazilian on Friday. She said the wax didn't really hurt, but that didn't stop her from having a death grip on me. I recommended she bring a friend with her next time to hold her hand.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Yesterday a woman was undressing for her Brazilian when she told me she was taking me back to 1974. When she got on the table, I said 1974...1975...1976...
Friday, October 20, 2017
A young women with an adorable accent said she had a "hedgehog in her panties." That kind of description should scare us, but her voice was too cute for us to be frightened. In case you were wondering, the Brazilian Wax went smoothly and the hedgehog was properly removed.
Another exciting day for M.E. Passion Takes Time, the 4th book in her romance series, is available on Kindle!
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Last night, as I was watching Days of Our Lives, one of the characters used the expression 'outside the box.' Any v-j-jay related reference always makes me laugh. Then I got thinking...when I wax a woman's bikini area, I always include the happy trail and any strays crawling down the leg. So that is when I realized that I like to wax 'outside of the box.'
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Yesterday I ended my day with back to back women who were nine months pregnant. The one woman is going in this morning to be induced. It was very exciting to be a part of her pre-birth preparation. Don't risk shaving that area when you are ready to pop. It's dangerous to navigate an area that you can't see with a sharp razor. Come see me. Even though it can be a little trickier to wax pregnant women, I have a ton of experience and absolutely love it!
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