Friday, September 20, 2024

 NEXT SKINCARE TIP: Moisturize every morning and night. But we are just talking about your face. Using heavy moisturizers on your hoo-ha can clog your pores and cause bumps and ingrown hairs - and no one wants that!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Although we LOVE removing hair, we also like adding some on. We now have 5 lash techs amongst the 3 salons and they are rocking their lashes! Our full sets are reasonably priced and our retention is fantastic!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Since it's skincare awareness month, we would like to remind you of some basic skin care regimes that you should be doing on a daily basis. First, you need to wash your face every morning and before you go to bed. We are a huge fan of our Alpha Hydroxy Face Cleanser. Alpha Hydroxy Acids can be found in fruits, milk and even sugar cane. These acids cleanse your skin while providing gentle exfoliation every time you wash your face. When you add this to your daily routine, you will notice that you will have smoother skin and a healthier complexion. All of our Mark & M.E. skincare  products are available at each location. It can also be used on your bikini line if you struggle with ingrown hairs on that part of your body.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Gonna be a warm week. Don't want a sweaty kitty. Call us!
marknme 585-473-7360
waxitall 585-348-9355
waxitallridge 585-417-5424


Monday, September 16, 2024

 Our salons are open Tuesday through Friday 10-6 and Saturday 8-3. We don't have online booking but you can reach us through our websites for an appointment.  See you this week!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

We are no longer just known for our waxing services. Our lash extensions and lash lift services have become extremely popular and we have even expanded our lash staff to fill the needs of our clients. For more information on any of our services, feel free to message us through our websites at or


Saturday, September 14, 2024

 We recently hired a second makeup artist! Now we offer makeup application at Mark & M.E. and at

 Wax It All on the Ridge. Check out how beautiful this makeup application turned out!

Friday, September 13, 2024

We love our Nookie Cookie because it is great for balancing the PH of your lady bits. But we have discovered that it can help with underarm odor as well.  Each bar is made with organic vegan yogurt, Moroccan clay which cleanses the skin without irritation, and organic apple cider which helps balance your PH. We just got a HUGE shipment in so stop by and grab some today!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Kids are back in school so now it's time to celebrate at the salon! How about an hour long back facial? Back facials are not only good for your skin, they are better than a massage. This is our secret gem of a service that you must try out. Give us a call today!


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Since it's skin awareness month, we wanted to showcase some of our skin care products! Here is a gentle cleanser, hyaluronic serum and a retinol cocktail moisturizer. This is an age defying combination we know you are going to love!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Whether you're looking for a new, affordable line of skin care or a new salon to get an amazing facial, look no further. Mark & M.E. has an exquisite line of skin care that is sold at all three locations. We also offer a variety of facials. September is skincare awareness month so let's talk about your skin!


Monday, September 9, 2024

 We LOVE when clients tell us this! We also LOVE being your waxer!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday is our day of rest which is why we wanted to remind you to keep calm and don't forget to wax!


Saturday, September 7, 2024

This statement is fact, which is why we have expanded our lash staff!


Friday, September 6, 2024

 It's strange how the schools in our area start on different days, but the exciting news is that everyone should be back in school today, which means you can spoil yourself at one of our salons!

Happy Friday!!!!   

Thursday, September 5, 2024

LAST DAY to take advantage of our 20% off Back To School Special on a keratin lash lift and tint! Call us this morning to reserve your spot at any Mark & M.E. or Wax It All locations!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Although we do not accept appointments online, you are more than welcome to email us, message us through social media or even message us through Square and we will book your appointment in an extremely efficient manner. Thank you!
Mark & M.E.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 We are closed today so our staff can have a 3 day weekend, but no worries, Mark & M.E. and Wax It All will reopen tomorrow at 10am! 

If you want to come in tomorrow, email us!

Monday, September 2, 2024

 Happy Labor Day from all of us at Mark & M.E. and Wax It All. Just a friendly reminder that we will be closed today and tomorrow and will reopen on Wednesday, September 4th!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Can't believe September is here already. We hope everyone is enjoying this holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing all the moms and dads once the kids are back in school!
mark & m.e. and wax it all