Saturday, September 5, 2015

I've worked at the salon for 25 years and it surprises many that I totally changed career paths to work with my husband. Most people say they'd never be able to work with their spouse. I just don't get that. Why would you marry someone you couldn't stand to be around all day? I hated working at school and only seeing Mark at night and on weekends when we were tired or had a ton of chores to do. It was an awkward time in our relationship and things just didn't run smoothly, because we didn't have enough time together. I think when you love someone, you should want to be with them as much as possible. I still enjoy my alone time at the gym or when I'm reading or writing, but, for the most part, I want to be with my husband. Maybe I'm sounding a little sentimental this morning, but Mark and our son Adryan left at 4:30 this morning to drive to Denver and I'm going to miss both my guys.

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