Monday, April 11, 2022

Another crazy Brazilian Wax room conversation with a woman who works as a CNA in a hospital.
Her: "This hurts."
M.E. "Well, you are very dehydrated."
Her: "What's that mean?"
M.E. "Your skin is composed of roughly 70% water so when you don't drink enough water, your skin becomes dehydrated and the waxing will be more painful and you could be a little more sensitive after."
Her: "But I had a cup of coffee..."
M.E. "Unfortunately coffee also dehydrates you. Besides, you're high and that also makes your skin more dehydrated and can heighten your sensitivity."
Her: "Yea, I smoked a blunt before I got here."
M.E. "I know I can tell. You obviously have cotton cootch."
Her: "I don't get it."
M.E. "You know how you get cotton mouth? That's not all that is dried out."
rest of story tomorrow...


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